Product Education vs Quality Education

Finding vital sources of info minus the sales hype

Without enough knowledge of skin physiology, cosmetic chemistry, ingredient and treatment protocols, an Esthetician will not be able to select the most superior products and services to offer their clientele. In an ideal world an Estheticians licensing education would provide this type of knowledge, but the reality is that typical 300-600 hour curriculum and outdated textbook guarantees the Esthetician little more than an elementary introduction to these important subjects. Thus, obtaining post-graduate education becomes an essential investment if the Esthetician doesn’t want to blindly offer products and services. Getting quality, unbiased education without all the product demonstrations and propaganda, though, no easy feat in an industry where the majority of education available is still being given by company representatives and salespeople. The wiser alternative is to rely upon information from unbiased industry and non-industry sources. This requires a little searching and effort, but the quality of information will far outweigh any inconvenience experienced.

The most common type of education Estheticians receive today is “product education” this all-too-common scenario summarily demonstrates it: friendly representatives of a skin care company or equipment manufacturer will offer classes about new ingredients or techniques at trade shows or businesses. Often at low or no cost, these classes appear to be a convenient way of obtaining a multitude of information in a few short hours. A small amount of non-product promoting information is usually given during the class in conjunction with some sort of product demonstration, sampling and hype.

Though seemingly harmless, there are some serious disadvantages to relying on “product education” First and foremost among the problems associated with “product education” is sales bias. Any educator affiliated with a company wants primarily to sell their product and to disseminate information about how to use their product, and not necessarily to really spread quality information. Thus, any education given by a person affiliated with a company will be adulterated in one aspect or another. Another serious problem concerns the accuracy of the information given by salespeople. Since no governmental entity oversees these “educators” or insures that their classes' offers accurate or scientifically substantiated information, Estheticians may be receiving very incorrect or possibly useless information without even realizing it.

Instead of relying upon “product education” that is provided by company representatives or salespeople, the Esthetician should seek out information that comes from alternative unbiased non-product promoting sources concerned with subjects like procedures, techniques physiology, cosmetic chemistry, ingredients and treatment protocols. Choosing alternative education means that the information given will not be adulterated with a bunch of sales pressure or advertising hype. Additionally, the information will be much more scientifically accurate and reliable. And lastly, a generic knowledge of Esthetic subjects helps an Esthetician gain the ability to analyze any line or treatment and decide for themselves whether or not a product or treatment is efficacious. Examples of quality sources can be found at

Written by Carlye Walters for Advanced Esthetic Training
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